Monday 28 March 2016

Dromund Kaas (Mental Poison's Tale).

Kaas City's Security Droid.

i've arranged for my departure from the Sith Academy, and so i am ... on the Dromund Kaas.

it's a stark contrast between the dangerous wilds outside & a techno-jungle of the secure & advanced Kaas City sprawl.

i've been assigned to Lord Zash, an ambitious Sith.

... preparing to assist her with her ploys.

-- Mental Poison, 'no-longer apprentice', but still.


Lord Zash's Office.

Tuesday 15 March 2016

Meditation (Mental Poison's Tale).

In a Tomb of the Tulak Hord's Antechamber,

Mental Poison Meditating.

Dear Datapad,

Not all of the training is in a standing position,

Not all of the training involves combat acrobatics & body aspect of the martial arts.

There's the need for a Mind's Clear Light,

There's the need for Mind-level thinking & attunement with feelings.

... for a steady breath, for Advanced Visualization methods as well.

When breath is too short, thinking lacks & moves are too stupid to let one survive.

Therefore i've meditated, did mental work, thought about the ways.

There's a lot to think about, of enemies & their ways, their weak points & strengths.

With a proper thinking further training can well thought, can be better.

I'll proceed with that when opportunity allows.

-- Mental Poison, a Cruelty Reinvented.

Tuesday 25 August 2015

Y'leena (Character Description).

on Hutta,

... full of Scum & Depravity.

a few hints of background are known about this character, to a select few.

- she was born on Balmorra, since youth hunted smaller of bugs there,
- as she became adult, she did join Imperial Foces - had enough of these bugs,
- she's known for a certain hobby she has - for knife training & expenses associated,
- she's a Freelancer Killer Imperial Agent ... she uses forged identity of a 'Red Blade', someone known but elsewehre,
- she did not know her parents, was adopted at youth.

Knife, a Reward.

Tuesday 11 August 2015

Sith Sorcerer's Way (Mental Poison's Tale).

Monsters Noticed.

does advancement in a career matter?

it does, just one can't give it too much of priority.

career is important, high on priority list, but not most important goal to aspire for.

i've advanced to new, more 'advanced way' - to 'Sith Sorcerer', a title.

i'll specialize in a force lightning use.

-- Mental Poison, a force user.

'Force Lightning' during fight.

'Lightsaber' during fight.

Queen of Monsters.

Advancement Complete.